Stoica, S
Sorin Stoica
05-Ene-76 (49)

Comments | - 06-Jul-12 14:09 Montréal - Sprtng KC VERY poor ref. A very emotional and vindicative second penalty against the Impact after arguing all game long with Arnaud. Stoica wanted to have the final word on the player so he called a very disputable penalty on him. Not MLS-worthy. Bad emotion management from Stoica, this shouldn t be allowed on a professional pitch. Just watch the game for evidence. | - 05-Jul-12 14:06 Horrible, horrible ref. This guy likes to be the center of attention. He needs to learn that it s supposed to be the players who are supposed to decide how the game goes, not his horrible calls. Hope to never see him ref again, not even little league. |