Port Vale 1 : 1 Dagenham and Redbridge League Two 2012/2013 - Liga - Jornada 10 - Mar Oct.02 19:45 Vale Park, Stoke - Publico: 4355 Arbitro: Harrington - Hobday, Smith, N
Resumen del partido10 Williams Shuker Burge60 64Green Scott Will’on Dodds67 72Howell 0-1Myri’ms (Shuker)751-1Yates Duffy77 77Gayle Bingham 92 Spillane
Port Vale#Vota1 Neal24 Duffy77'14 McDonald5 McCombe7 Loft9 MyrieWi’ms23 Burge60'18 Morsy10 Vincent11 Pope8 Dodds67'#Banco de suplentesVota12 Johnson6 Owen2 Yates77'22 Lloyd15 Shuker60'3 Taylor19 Williamson67'Entrenador : Adams Dagenham and Redbridge#Vota1 Lewington2 Wilkinson6 Spillane92'4 Doe3 Ilesanmi19 Ogogo17 Howell24 Bingham77'12 Elito7 Williams10'10 Scott64'#Banco de suplentesVota30 Seabright18 Hoyte21 Green64'15 Saunders20 Gayle77'14 Reed23 WoodallEntrenador : Still