Charlton Athletic 2 : 1 Blackpool The Championship 2012/2013 - Liga - Jornada 27 - Sab Ene.12 15:00 The Valley, Charlton - Publico: 16846 Arbitro: Jones, M - Barrow, Rock
Charlton Athletic - Blackpool The Championship 2012/2013 2013-01-12. Goles: Jackson, Wagstaff, Eccleston
Resumen del partidoJackson (Solly)231-0Wagstaff (Kerm’nt)452-0 Stephens 5759T Fletcher Osbourne 68Eccleston Delf’so Harriott Wagstaff74 77T Gomes Phillips Fuller Stephens87 93Eccleston (Crainey)2-1
Charlton Athletic#Vota1 Hamer20 Solly6 Taylor5 Morrison3 Evina14 Pritchard8 Stephens87'57'23 Wilson4 Jackson11 Wagstaff74'18 Kermorgant#Banco de suplentesVota27 Button36 Fox39 Ajayi7 Green32 Harriott74'10 WrightP’ps19 Fuller87'Entrenador : Powell Ayudante : Dyer, Alex Blackpool#Vota1 Gilks5 Eardley42 Broadfoot15 Baptiste3 Crainey14 Sylvestre18 Osbourne59'17 Basham40 Delfouneso68'9 Phillips77'11 Ince#Banco de suplentesVota21 Halstead20 Cathcart33 Harris8 T Gomes77'31 Angel12 T Fletcher59'41 Eccleston68'Entrenador : Thompson, S