Millwall 0 : 1 Huddersfield Town The Championship 2013/2014 - Liga - Jornada 3 - Sab Ago.17 15:00 The Den, London - Publico: 9503 Arbitro: Langford - Butler, CooperFigura del partido: Clarke, P
Resumen del partido56Scannell Paterson 57Vaughan (Hammill)0-1Martin Chaplow59 McDonald Easter59 65Woods Hammill Keogh Henry70 82 Smithies 86Gobern Norwood Shittu 90
Millwall#Vota43 Bywater2 Dunne3 Shittu90'16 Beevers12 Lowry14 Henry70'10 Bailey17 Derry18 Chaplow59'8 Easter59'9 Morison#Banco de suplentesVota31 L Barrett5 Robinson21 Smith13 Martin59'26 Abdou20 Keogh70'27 McDonald59'Entrenador : Lomas Huddersfield Town#Vota1 Smithies82'5 Clarke39 Gerrard33 Lynch12 Hammill65'6 Hogg8 Clayton4 Norwood86'25 Carroll9 Vaughan17 Paterson56'#Banco de suplentesVota13 Bennett2 Woods65'32 Hunt10 Gobern86'7 Scannell56'11 Ward14 SteadEntrenador : Robins