Wigan Athletic 2 : 1 Nottingham Forest The Championship 2013/2014 - Liga - Jornada 5 - Sab Ago.31 15:00 DW Stadium, Wigan - Publico: 16270 Arbitro: Pawson - Jones, R, TankardFigura del partido: Reid, Andy
Wigan Athletic - Nottingham Forest The Championship 2013/2014 2013-08-31. Goles: Reid (tiro libre), Maloney (penalty), Jordi Gómez
Resumen del partido8Reid 0-1Maloney 141-124 Lansbury 30 Lichaj J Gomez (Fortuné)352-146Harding Gued’ra McArthur Espinoza65 73Paterson Majewski McCann Watson77 77Miller Halford McClean Fortuné86 Beau’ur 88
Wigan Athletic#Vota1 Carson17 Boyce6 Rogne25 Barnett18 Espinoza65'8 Watson77'10 Maloney4 McCarthy14 J Gomez22 Beausejour88'32 Fortuné86'#Banco de suplentesVota13 Nicholls3 Crainey24 Perch7 McCann77'11 McClean86'16 McArthur65'29 DickoEntrenador : Coyle Ayudante : Stewart Ayudante : Hughes, P Nottingham Forest#Vota1 Darlow2 Lichaj30'25 Hobbs22 Wilson8 Cohen10 Lansbury24'7 Guédioura46'11 Reid28 Majewski73'12 Mackie15 Halford77'#Banco de suplentesVota29 d Vries3 Harding46'5 Collins17 Miller77'21 Paterson73'27 Derbyshire31 CoxEntrenador : Davies