Milton Keynes Dons 1 : 2 Leeds United The Championship 2015/2016 - Liga - Jornada 8 - Sab Sep.19 15:00 stadium:mk, Milton Keynes - Publico: 19284 Arbitro: Webb, D - Ganfield, HulmeFigura del partido: Taylor, Charlie (1993)
Milton Keynes Dons - Leeds United The Championship 2015/2016 2015-09-19. Goles: Wood (penalty), Taylor, Church Expulsado: Carruthers
Resumen del partido31Wood 0-143Taylor (Cooper)0-246 Cooper Reeves Hall58 Church Gallagher58 Bowditch Spence73 Church (Murphy)741-2 Lewington 7577Adeyemi Mowatt Carr’rs 7884Antenucci Byram 91 Wootton 92Bellusci Dallas
Milton Keynes Dons#Vota1 Martin12 Spence73'5 McFadzean6 Kay3 Lewington75'39 Poyet14 Carruthers78'7 Baker38 Hall58'31 Murphy13 Gallagher58'#Banco de suplentesVota2 Hodson9 Bowditch73'10 Reeves58'11 Church58'17 Powell18 Aguza29 BurnsEntrenador : Robinson, K Ayudante : Barker, Richie Leeds United#Vota1 Silvestri4 Wootton91'3 Bamba6 Cooper46'21 Taylor23 Cook8 Murphy2 Byram84'10 Mowatt77'15 Dallas92'9 Wood#Banco de suplentesVota5 Bellusci92'7 Antenucci84'20 Botaka22 Turnbull24 Adeyemi77'27 Phillips28 BerardiEntrenador : Rösler Ayudante : Kelly