Norwich City 1 : 0 Plymouth Argyle The Championship 2008/2009 - Liga - Jornada 39 - Sab Mar.14 15:00 Carrow Road, Norwich - Publico: 25064 Arbitro: Graham, F
Norwich City - Plymouth Argyle The Championship 2008/2009 2009-03-14. Goles: Mooney (cabeza) Expulsado: Russell
Resumen del partido7 Seip Carney Hoolahan46 Mooney (Doherty)531-061Fallon Barnes 70Paterson Barker McDonald Gow84 85Noone Judge Russell 90Leijer Croft90 Doherty ? Russell ? Mooney ?
Norwich City#Vota1 Marshall2 Otsemobor4 Shackell12 Doherty?'21 Bertrand7 Croft90'8 Clingan20 Russell?'90'14 Hoolahan46'17 Gow84'18 Mooney?'#Banco de suplentesVota25 Nelson19 Lappin22 Leijer90'11 Carney46'27 McDonald84'Entrenador : Gunn Ayudante : Crook Plymouth Argyle#Vota1 Larrieu33 Gray22 Cathcart19 Seip7'15 Barker70'25 Mackie28 Fletcher2 Duguid23 Judge85'11 Gallagher24 Barnes61'#Banco de suplentesVota5 Timár17 Noone85'6 Clark3 Paterson70'14 Fallon61'Entrenador : Sturrock