Flint Town United 1 : 4 The New Saints Welsh Premier League 2024/2025 - Liga - Jornada 2 - Vie Ago.16 19:45 Essity Stadium, Flint - Publico: 402 Arbitro: Petch - Williams, C, DolphinFigura del partido: Bradley, Sion
Flint Town United - The New Saints Welsh Premier League 2024/2025 2024-08-16. Goles: Bradley (penalty + 2), Clark
Resumen del partido18 Doforo 22Clark McManus 23Bradley 0-130Bradley 0-259Clark 0-369Bradley 0-475 Hudson 76 Williams 77Blayney Baker 77Afful Williams 77Clayton Cies’cz 89Smith Hudson
The New Saints#Vota25 Roberts24 Baker77'12 Hudson89'75'31 Woollam33 Doforo18'20 Bradley14 Williams77'76'27 Canavan17 Williams9 McManus22'11 Cieślewicz77'#Banco de suplentesVota30 Edwards42 Clayton77'21 Smith89'19 Clark22'41 Blayney77'23 Young40 Afful77'Entrenador : Harrison, C Ayudante : Seargeant