Swansea City 4 : 0 Preston North End The Championship 2010/2011 - Liga - Jornada 2 - Sab Ago.14 15:00 Liberty Stadium, Swansea - Publico: 14010 Arbitro: Rushton - Turner, A, WeaverFigura del partido: Dyer, N
Swansea City - Preston North End The Championship 2010/2011 2010-08-14. Goles: Dobbie, Pratley, Dyer, Cotterill (penalty)
Resumen del partidoDobbie 231-0Pratley (Williams)402-0Dyer (Dobbie)433-046Parry Mayor 46King Brown Cotterill 564-063Parkin Hayes Allen Cotterill65 67 Davidson Serran Rangel71 Orlandi Sinclair82
Swansea City#Vota1 d Vries22 Rangel71'16 Monk2 Williams5 Tate12 Dyer8 Pratley27 Gower21 Sinclair82'7 Cotterill65'14 Dobbie#Banco de suplentesVota13 Cornell3 Taylor17 Serran71'10 Orlandi82'11 v Gun24 Allen65'42 KuqiEntrenador : Rodgers Preston North End#Vota1 Lonergan12 Gray2 Morgan19 Jones3 Davidson67'14 Mayor46'6 James15 Barton11 Treacy9 Brown46'8 Hayes63'#Banco de suplentesVota25 Arestidou42 Wright7 Coutts17 Parry46'18 King46'20 Russell26 Parkin63'Entrenador : Ferguson, D