Swansea City 1 : 0 Burnley The Championship 2010/2011 - Liga - Jornada 4 - Sab Ago.28 15:00 Liberty Stadium, Swansea - Publico: 15135 Arbitro: Tanner - Hendley, KnappFigura del partido: Sinclair, S
Swansea City - Burnley The Championship 2010/2011 2010-08-28. Goles: Sinclair Expulsado: Mears, Pratley
Resumen del partidoSinclair (Tate)81-042 Mears Pratley 48 Pratley 5860 Mears 63Cork Alexander d Vries 6568Thompson Paterson 72Eagles Marney 75 Thompson Taylor 9192 Cork
Swansea City#Vota1 d Vries65'5 Tate16 Monk2 Williams3 Taylor91'12 Dyer27 Gower8 Pratley48'58'21 Sinclair7 Cotterill14 Dobbie#Banco de suplentesVota13 Cornell17 Serran10 Orlandi15 Jordi24 Allen29 Richards42 KuqiEntrenador : Rodgers Burnley#Vota12 Jensen14 Mears42'60'5 Carlisle21 Bikey3 Fox2 Alexander63'10 Paterson68'8 Marney72'11 Elliott22 Wallace9 Iwelumo#Banco de suplentesVota1 Grant15 Edgar18 Cort6 Cork63'92'33 Eagles72'19 Rodriguez30 Thompson68'75'Entrenador : Laws