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    Leeds United - Cardiff City The Championship 2010/2011 2010-10-25. Goles: Bothroyd, Chopra, Naylor

    1 Schmeichel
    2 Connolly
    4 Bruce
    5 Collins
    29 McCartney62'
    23 Snodgrass
    14 Howson
    17 Faye81'
    16 Johnson63'
    27 Somma54'
    10 Becchio
    #Banco de suplentesVota
    30 Brown
    26 Bromby
    7 Gradel63'
    8 Kilkenny
    15 Clayton81'
    22 Hughes
    33 Núñez54'
    Entrenador : Grayson

    22 Heaton
    2 McNaughton
    5 Hudson
    6 Gyepes
    3 Naylor
    11 Burke
    20 Olofinjana
    7 Whittingham
    39 Bellamy
    9 Bothroyd
    8 Chopra73'
    #Banco de suplentesVota
    1 Marshall
    4 Rae
    10 McPhail
    19 Koumas
    23 Blake
    28 Wildig
    17 Keogh73'
    Entrenador : Jones

    Comments   -   25-Oct-10 22:01 about
    real mad Leeds v Cardiff Bothroyd should have been sent off for the tackle on Bechio, Oliver was 4m away looking right at it, Bothroyd then scores. Chopra scores (0-2)from a position 2m offside, asst referee not in line, Oliver with clear line of sight. Leeds eventually loose 0-4 because of Olivers incompetence. Subjectively it felt like he was determined to be strong & not favour the home side, it would appear that he was so determined in this determination that he unconciously favoured Cardiff. Acting as an agent for the Footbal League with a duty to impose the rules of the game Oliver failed in his duty of care under the Health & Safety at work act, Bechio been engaged in his lawful occupation as a pro footballer, negligence of this nature would normally lead to a prosecution under H&S legislation.