Bristol City 1 : 1 Preston North End The Championship 2010/2011 - Liga - Jornada 15 - Sab Nov.06 15:00 Ashton Gate, Bristol - Publico: 14429 Arbitro: WhitestoneFigura del partido: Hume
Bristol City - Preston North End The Championship 2010/2011 2010-11-06. Goles: Hume, Jones (gol en contra)
Resumen del partido2Hume (S Ledger)0-1 Elliott 3455 Parkin Pitman Haynes56 61 Treacy Jones (McAl’er)og711-173 S Ledger 76Parry Coutts 86Gray Treacy 95 Davidson
Bristol City#Vota1 James6 Carey36 Caulker4 Fontaine3 McAllister27 Adomah8 Johnson7 Elliott34'35 Rose30 Stead11 Haynes56'#Banco de suplentesVota12 Gerken2 Hunt5 Stewart20 Campbel’ce21 Cissé9 Clarkson34 Pitman56'Entrenador : Millen Preston North End#Vota1 Lonergan19 Jones4 S Ledger73'2 Morgan3 Davidson95'7 Coutts76'20 Russell6 James11 Treacy86'61'26 Parkin55'16 Hume#Banco de suplentesVota25 Arestidou5 Brown12 Gray86'10 Nicholson14 Mayor15 Barton17 Parry76'Entrenador : Ferguson, D