Hull City 2 : 0 Barnsley The Championship 2010/2011 - Liga - Jornada 27 - Sab Ene.15 15:00 MKM Stadium, Hull - Publico: 21222 Arbitro: QuinnFigura del partido: Fryatt
Hull City - Barnsley The Championship 2010/2011 2011-01-15. Goles: Fryatt (penalty), Koren Expulsado: Foster, Shackell
Resumen del partido Ashbee 18 Dawson 2064 Foster 65 Shackell Fryatt 661-0Barmby Stewart66 Solano 82Devitt McLean87 88Gray Colace 90 Shackell Koren (Dawson)932-0
Hull City#Vota34 Guzan24 Solano82'16 Chester25 Gerrard3 Dawson20'22 Koren4 Ashbee18'8 Harper32 Stewart66'12 Fryatt33 McLean87'#Banco de suplentesVota1 Duke2 Zayatte18 Barmby66'20 Devitt87'27 Bullard28 Evans23 SimpsonEntrenador : Pearson Ayudante : Shakespeare Barnsley#Vota1 Steele2 Hassell6 Foster64'4 Shackell65'90'33 Hill15 Trippier20 Colace88'5 Doyle14 Hammill19 Butterfield36 O'Connor#Banco de suplentesVota12 Preece8 O'Brien10 Lovre29 Taylor18 M Neumann27 Gray88'30 BennettEntrenador : Robins