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    Estudiantes de La Plata - Banfield Apertura 2011 2011-11-21. gol: López, Boselli, Mercado (testa)

    25 Albil
    3 Cellay
    2 Desábato
    14 Mercado
    5 Sánchez
    11 Verón
    4 Iberbia
    18 Fernández
    10 Fernández
    9 Boselli
    Allenatore : Azconzábal
    Assistente : Gottardi
    Assistente : Bonvicini

    1 Lucchetti
    24 Ladino
    33 Reta
    2 López
    23 Broggi
    31 Tagliafico
    10 Gómez
    5 Carboni
    28 Eluchans
    18 Ferreyra
    9 López
    Allenatore : Lavolpe

    FL   -   05-Feb-12 11:48
    match completed on February 4th 2012 in two halfs of 38 minutes each at Ciudad La Plata stadium
    FL   -   13-Dic-11 10:35
    match will be completed sometime next year before or during the next tournament
    FL   -   22-Nov-11 11:56
    Match started November 21 at Quilmes stadium at 17hs. Suspended on minute 13 after flares thrown by Estudiantes fans explode near goalkeeper Cristian Luchetti; Banfield was winning by a goal of Rodrigo Lopez at minute 9