Dagenham and Redbridge 1 : 2 Gillingham League Two 2012/2013 - League - Giornata 3 - Sab Ago.25 15:00 Victoria Road, Dagenham - Spettatori: 2251 Arbitro: Lewis, R - Brook, Evetts
Dagenham and Redbridge - Gillingham League Two 2012/2013 2012-08-25. gol: Burton (testa), Gayle (rigore), Weston
Sommario30Burton (Fish)0-133 Nelson Gayle 341-161Payne Whelpdale 61Kedwell Burton 62Weston (Montrose)1-2Green Howell68 71Strevens Allen Scott Gayle82 Spillane 90
Dagenham and Redbridge#Voto1 Lewington18 Hoyte6 Spillane90'4 Doe3 Ilesanmi19 Ogogo17 Howell68'24 Bingham12 Elito20 Gayle82'7 Williams#SostitutiVoto30 Seabright2 Wilkinson21 Green68'11 Green14 Reed10 Scott82'23 WoodallAllenatore : Still Gillingham#Voto1 Nelson33'2 Fish12 Frampton15 Davies3 Martin8 Lee7 Whelpdale61'16 Montrose14 Allen71'20 Burton61'24 Weston#SostitutiVoto21 Forecast5 Essam11 Jackman18 Dack4 Payne61'9 Kedwell61'10 Strevens71'Allenatore : Allen, M