Dagenham and Redbridge 0 : 3 Morecambe League Two 2014/2015 - League - Giornata 1 - Sab Ago.09 15:00 Victoria Road, Dagenham - Spettatori: 1529 Arbitro: Miller, P - Ellis, Pollard
Dagenham and Redbridge - Morecambe League Two 2014/2015 2014-08-09. gol: Ellison (punizione), Amond (rigore), Redshaw
Sommario17 Goodall 49Ellison 0-154Amond 0-2Porter Howell59 65Redshaw Sampson Goldberg Hemmings76 78Devitt Amond 85Wright Kenyon 94 Devitt 95Redshaw (Devitt)0-3
Dagenham and Redbridge#Voto1 O'Brien2 Batt5 Saah4 Doe3 Connors17 Howell59'8 Ogogo28 Boucaud23 Hemmings76'7 Cureton10 Chambers#SostitutiVoto30 Cousins22 Gayle21 Partridge15 Labadie29 Raymond19 Goldberg76'14 Porter59'Allenatore : Burnett Morecambe#Voto1 Roche2 Beeley22 Parrish5 Hughes19 Wilson17 Fleming13 Goodall17'9 Sampson65'4 Kenyon85'11 Ellison27 Amond78'#SostitutiVoto25 Arestidou23 Doyle8 Wright85'3 Devitt78'94'10 Williams12 Mullin7 Redshaw65'Allenatore : Bentley