Hce - 09-Ago-14 15:25 Scheduled for May 8th, 2012 21:30 local time the match was suspended by the referee in the 27th minute, after a fight between the players and staff of both sides. The incident started after Cadu went to celebrate 0-1 pk goal in front of the home team s fans and Universitatea gk Bornescu wanted to take him away from that zone. The game was replayed in May 18th, 2012 at the same time, starting from the 1st minute.
Suspended game lineups
UN. CLUJ 4-3-3 Bornescu - D. Popa, Galamaz, Szukała (cap.), Mendy - Hoban, Marinescu, Cristescu - Morar, Grozav, A. Cristea.
CFR CLUJ 4-4-2 Beto - Lionn, Maftei, Cadu (cap.), Camora - Sougou, Mureşan, Godemeche, Hora - Rui Pedro, Ronny
Goal: Cadu pk 26
Yellow Card: Galamaz 9
Red Cards: Bornescu and Cadu 27 |