Dagenham and Redbridge 2 : 0 York City League Two 2014/2015 - League - Giornata 10 - Sab Set.27 15:00 Victoria Road, Dagenham - Spettatori: 1801 Arbitro: Gibbs - Kelly, Smith, Rob
SommarioLabadie (Chambers)351-054 Lowe Labadie (Chambers)622-063Meikle Hyde 68Platt Summ’ld Hemmings Howell78 Porter Chambers85 Yussuff Cureton91
Dagenham and Redbridge#Voto30 Cousins2 Batt5 Saah21 Partridge3 Connors28 Boucaud17 Howell78'8 Ogogo15 Labadie7 Cureton91'10 Chambers85'#SostitutiVoto23 Hemmings78'27 Yussuff91'14 Porter85'Allenatore : Burnett York City#Voto24 Ingham2 McCoy15 Lowe54'16 Winfield3 Ilesanmi7 Coulson8 Summerfield68'10 Penn11 Jarvis9 Fletcher39 Hyde63'#SostitutiVoto18 Platt68'20 Meikle63'Allenatore : Worthington