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    Birmingham City - Reading The Championship 2015/2016 2015-08-08. gol: Cotterill (punizione), Toral (testa), Blackman (testa), Orlando Sa rigore sbagliato)

    29 Kuszczak90'
    31 Caddis
    28 Morrison
    23 Spector
    3 Grounds
    8 Gleeson
    6 Kieftenbeld63'39'
    11 Cotterill81'
    20 Toral71'
    7 Gray
    9 Donaldson90'
    1 Legzdins
    4 Robinson81'
    10 Thomas
    19 Maghoma
    21 Novak
    22 Shinnie71'
    26 Davis63'90'
    Allenatore : Rowett
    Assistente : Summerfield

    1 Bond
    2 Gunter
    8 Hector90'
    5 McShane
    11 Obita61'
    23 Williams
    18 Tshibola86'17'
    6 Norwood49'
    21 Quinn83'
    22 Blackman79'
    10 Orlando Sa
    3 Taylor
    9 R Kanu79'
    15 Ferdinand
    25 Taylor
    26 A Habsi
    30 Samuel86'
    31 Cox83'90'
    Allenatore : Clarke
    Assistente : Keen
    Assistente : Reid, S

    Comments   -   09-Ago-15 19:20 about
    Unlucky if you end up with this idiot! Was in charge of Blues V Reading and had a total mare, booking players for both teams for no particular reason, not giving Reading a goal when the ball was 2 yards over the line, then giving Reading a stupid penalty when the game should have been over. In the unlikely event that you read these Peter, for the sake of Football, please to give up and do something else