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    Reggiana - Monopoli Coppa Italia 2020/2021 2020-09-30. gol: Starita, Marchi (2 rigore), Álvaro Montero (rigore) -- DTS -- -- Calci di rigore --

    1 Voltolini
    20 Gyamfi
    93 Ajeti57'40'
    44 Gatti96'
    17 Libutti
    5 Rossi78'
    8 Varone72'
    11 Lunetta
    88 Voltan46'
    28 Cambiaghi109'
    9 Zamparo46'
    19 Espeche57'
    16 Pezzella78'
    21 Radrezza72'
    24 Kargbo46'
    32 Marchi46'
    Allenatore : Alvini

    12 Pozzer76'
    3 Mercadante
    16 Fusco42'
    14 Giosa
    11 Zambataro88'
    5 Arena66'
    4 Giorno75'
    10 Paolucci?'
    29 Guiebre
    7 Starita66'
    23 Samele75'
    31 Tazzer66'
    8 Piccinni75'
    28 Santoro66'
    9 A ontero75'
    Allenatore : Scienza

    Hce   -   10-Ott-20 09:32
    Game awarded 0-3 due to invalid team list. Augustus Kargbo came into play for Reggiana although he should have been suspended for a Coppa Italia match as ruled in the 2017/18 Coppa Italia Serie D season when he was playing for Roccella. The player was listed for Crotone in two matches during 2018/19 Coppa Italia season but he never came into play, the current rules consider the suspension not to have been estinguished.