Plymouth Argyle 0 : 3 Doncaster Rovers The Championship 2008/2009 - League - Giornata 44 - Sab Apr.18 15:00 Home Park, Plymouth - Spettatori: 11100 Arbitro: Crossley
Plymouth Argyle - Doncaster Rovers The Championship 2008/2009 2009-04-18. gol: Spicer, Hayter (testa), Heffernan
Sommario15Spicer (Heffernan)0-121Hayter Wilson 33Hayter (Roberts)0-260 Spicer Donnelly Barnes65 68v Nieu’dt Shiels 70Heffernan (Chambers)0-3Fallon Judge71 77Byfield Wellens Clark Gallagher79
Plymouth Argyle#Voto1 Larrieu33 Gray19 Seip15 Barker18 Sawyer23 Judge71'2 Duguid28 Fletcher11 Gallagher79'24 Barnes65'25 Mackie#SostitutiVoto27 Saxton5 Timár6 Clark79'14 Fallon71'35 Donnelly65'Allenatore : Sturrock Doncaster Rovers#Voto1 Sullivan6 Chambers5 Mills21 Hird3 Roberts20 Spicer60'15 Wilson21'19 Wellens77'17 Woods14 Heffernan16 Shiels68'#SostitutiVoto4 v Nieuwstadt68'27 LuaLua9 Byfield77'12 Hayter21'7 GuyAllenatore : O'Driscoll