Team of the week
Best team of the weekFixture and Results Matchday 16
goals: Seuntjes (2 penalty + 1), El Kadiri
goals: Zagré, Naujoks, Donkor
goals: Blummel, Ingason, Sleegers, van den Hurk (penalty + 1), Rottier
goals: Konadu, Faberski, Banel
goals: Schalk, Bonis, Smits, Robbemond, Addai red car: Nikièma
goals: van der Wegen, Oude Kotte (2 penalty), Seedorf red car: Andersen
goals: Mühren, Jacobs, Abed red car: Bawuah
goals: Osundina, Coomans, Smeets
goals: Balk, Alhaft, Poll, Pauwels, Tsingaras (own goal), Rölke
goals: Hawkins, Evina