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    Webb, H

    Howard Melton Webb

    Referee Howard Melton Webb
    14-Jul-71 (53)
    Rotherham, South Yorkshire
    1.88 m
    Referee: 1989
    FIFA: 2005

    list of appearances, cards and goals

    Howard Melton Webb
    YCYellow cards
    RCRed cards
    28-Jun-1428Jun14 World Cup Round of 16 - M.4Brazil 1-1 Chile 517 -- 57714
    19-Jun-1419Jun14 World Cup Group C - M.2Colombia 2-1 Ivory C. 252 -- 68748
    11-May-1411May14EPL M.38Hull City 0-2 Everton 161 -- 24848
    03-May-1403May14EPL M.37Man.Utd 0-1 Sunderland 233 -- 75347
    27-Apr-1427Apr14EPL M.36C Palace 0-2 Man.City 194 -- 24769
    23-Apr-1423Apr14 Champions Semi-finals - M.11R.Madrid 1-0 Bayern 201 -- 79283
    19-Apr-1419Apr14EPL M.35Cardiff 1-1 Stoke City 185 -2 27686
    12-Apr-1412Apr14EPL M.34C Palace 1-0 A.Villa 192 -- 25564
    09-Apr-1409Apr14 Champions Quarter-Finals - M.10A.Madrid 1-0 Barcelona 244 -- 53592
    05-Apr-1405Apr14EPL M.33Hull City 1-0 Swansea 242 -- 22744
    31-Mar-1431Mar14EPL M.32Sunderland 1-2 West Ham 256 -- 37396
    20-Mar-1420Mar14 Europa League Round of 16 - M.10Fiorentina 0-1 Juventus 255 1 - 32633
    15-Mar-1415Mar14EPL M.30Fulham 1-0 Newcastle 171 -- 25664
    08-Mar-1408Mar14EPL M.29C Palace 0-1 Southmptn 326 -- 25073
    26-Feb-1426Feb14 Champions First Knockout Round - M.7Schalke 1-6 R.Madrid 123 -- 60000
    22-Feb-1422Feb14EPL M.27Cardiff 0-4 Hull City 152 -- 26167
    . . .

    Comments   -   05-Feb-12 18:04
    Chelsea - Man.Utd
    real mad inconsistant yet again penalty for the boys   -   12-Jul-10 11:00
    Netherlands - Spain
    Referees should be unpredejucided!!! It was a bloody shame how he whisled the finale yesterday. 11 yelleow cards,and 1 red for
    Holland. But the violations of Spain where mystyriosly not seen...THE LAST GOAL WAS OFFSIDE!!!! Is he blind, does he need glasses, or does he not like us Hollanders? My friend is a referee with the K.N.V.B. in Holland, he s ASHAMED that a refree in such an important mach takes the side for witch country ever ; fairness is the goal! and ,mostly, fair, desent and IMPORTANT play. He was PREDEDJUDICICED!! your referee !!
    Than you re the worst wone of all the referees,YOU MUST BE UNBIASED!!
    ** Otherwise you are not fit for your job.** It doesn mater that we dint win!!! BUT WE DID NOT LOSE FAIR!! He whisled for the benefit of Spain.And Holland was always the Degn with everything he had with lousy violations. I hope that you will reprement this sir Howard Webb, and will indicate him at him at his infamous arror. This is a bloody shame!!!
    **The dutch team was much better**
    We deserved the title and not the Spains, ...who laid down with every little kick they got. Witch Mr. Webb miraculousy did not see, or did just missed....
    I thought English footbal was so touhg, so wining, keep on playing...but this pathetic referee could learn a lot of your TOP PLAYERS in England.
    Please repremand this BIASED referee,and if he can not keep his feelings apart from one countree from an other country , he should not whistle a contest, or find another job.
    A very dissapointend, sad, and angry DUTC fan