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    Rangers - Comunal Cabrero Copa Chile 2023 2023-07-04. голы: Caroca

    1 Bonnín
    18 Felipe
    19 Luna
    5 Carrasco68'
    7 Valdivia82'82'
    14 Acuña68'
    27 Caroca
    29 Povea94'
    20 Ledezma82'
    24 Abalos
    9 Altamirano
    30 Aravena
    3 Rebolledo68'93'
    4 Mancilla
    12 Espinoza82'
    6 Iturra68'
    28 Lolas
    34 Fierro82'
    Тренер : Giovagnoli, D
    Ассистент : Garnero, M

    30 Meyer46'
    4 Pérez
    13 Peñaloza
    3 Bustos
    17 Garrido71'
    20 Toloza82'
    23 Cares
    24 Abdala
    21 Moya67'
    29 Medina
    19 Molina
    25 Cobo46'
    5 Wills
    14 Triviño71'
    8 Iraira
    7 Reyes67'
    10 Moreno
    22 Sánchez82'
    Тренер : Abdala

    ManuBala08   -   25-Июн-23 08:53
    Match was originally scheduled in 25 June, but ANFP suspended it (and other matches) due to decision of administrative authority to decree as disaster zone Valparaíso and Biobío regions, as result of climatic emergency that affects that part of Chilean territory. It will be rescheduled next days. Source.