Southampton 1 : 1 Sheffield Wednesday The Championship 2008/2009 - Лига - Тур 21 - Сб Дек.06 15:00 St Mary s Stadium, Southampton - Зрителей: 15440 Судья: Hegley - McCoy, Phipps
Southampton - Sheffield Wednesday The Championship 2008/2009 2008-12-06. голы: Wright-Phillips, Tudgay
Резюме матчаWrig’ps (Surman)141-0Paterson Robertson61 70Slus’ki Jeffers Gillett McGo’ck79 79Small Esajas 87Tudgay 1-188 Tudgay
Southampton#Оценка1 Davis23 James2 Perry41 Pearce7 Skácel30 Cork11 Surman17 McGoldrick79'20 Lallana8 WrightP’ps38 Robertson61'#ЗапасныеОценка13 Forecast33 Mills10 Wotton22 Gillett79'35 Paterson61'Тренер : Poortvliet Sheffield Wednesday#Оценка1 Grant20 Simek16 Wood15 Beevers21 Buxton7 Tudgay88'17 O'Connor8 McAllister11 Esajas79'9 Jeffers70'18 Clarke#ЗапасныеОценка22 O'Donnell2 Spurr26 Small79'14 Smith29 Ślusarski70'Тренер : Laws