The New Saints 4 : 0 Bohemian FC Champions League Qualifying 2010/2011 - 2nd qualifying round - Тур 4 - Вт Июл.20 19:00 Park Hall, Oswestry - Зрителей: 1056 Судья: Vad
The New Saints - Bohemian FC Champions League Qualifying 2010/2011 2010-07-20. голы: Jones, Williams, Sharp
Резюме матчаJones 61-0Williams 142-0Sharp 203-034 Powell Sharp 3446McGu’ss Powell 46Cronin Higgins 67Greene Byrne 71 McGu’ss Williams 734-082 Keegan Wood Berkeley89 Darl’on Sharp91
The New Saints#Оценка1 Harrison2 Holmes5 Evans4 Baker3 Marriott14 Jones8 Hogan7 Ruscoe99 Berkeley89'9 Sharp91'34'10 Williams#ЗапасныеОценка33 Williams6 Holmes12 Seargeant17 McKenna18 Wood89'20 Darlington91'23 EdwardsТренер : Davies, M Bohemian FC#Оценка1 Murphy15 Shelly2 Heary6 Oman3 Powell46'34'18 Quigley8 Keegan82'19 Higgins46'11 Brennan12 Madden10 Byrne67'#ЗапасныеОценка25 O'Connor4 Rossiter5 McGuinness46'71'14 Cronin46'21 Burke22 Greene67'23 DixonТренер : Fenlon