Dagenham and Redbridge 1 : 2 Morecambe League Two 2012/2013 - League - Matchday 30 - Sat Jan.26 15:00 Victoria Road, Dagenham - Attendance: 1370 Referee: Linington - Brook, Cooper, N
Dagenham and Redbridge - Morecambe League Two 2012/2013 2013-01-26. goals: Wilkinson, Drummond, Williams Morecambe was 7 minutes ahead and 20 minutes down on score
Match summary Doe 36Wilkinson (Saunders)611-063Redshaw Ales’ra 71Williams Haining Woodall Reed71 79Burrow Holroyd 81Drummond (Redshaw)1-183Williams (Parrish)1-2Shields Elito84
Dagenham and Redbridge#Rate1 Lewington19 Ogogo2 Wilkinson4 Doe36'3 Ilesanmi7 Williams15 Saunders17 Howell24 Bingham12 Elito84'14 Reed71'#SubstitutesRate30 Seabright21 Caprice18 Hoyte16 Maher35 Shields84'10 Scott23 Woodall71'Coach : Still Morecambe#Rate1 Roche2 Fenton6 Haining71'15 McCready22 Parrish18 McDonald16 Drummond8 Wright9 Alessandra63'26 Holroyd79'11 Ellison#SubstitutesRate25 Arestidou19 McGee20 Mwasile12 Parkinson10 Williams71'14 Burrow79'27 Redshaw63'Coach : Bentley