Team of the week
Best team of the weekFixture and Results Matchday 39
goals: Vorobyev, Kanishchev, Levin
goals: Manuylov, Viznovich (penalty), Bazelyuk (head) red car: Kvekveskiri
goals: Balaniuk, Sarveli (head + 1), Kabutov, Sergeev, Golenkov (head). 2 assists Zeffane red car: Magal
goals: Kichin (penalty), Tskhovrebov (head), Shumskikh (head)
goals: Lapshov, Kosarev, Dmitriev
goals: Loktionov, Ignatenko red car: Ignatovich, Belous
goals: Dibirgadzhiev
goals: Klenkin, Markin (penalty), Khubaev. 2 assists Yushin red car: Kalachev
goals: Giraev (penalty + head)
goals: Magomedov, Giorgobiani, Kutovoy, Khadartsev
goals: Mazurov, Ignatov, Melnikov, Zamaliev (head), Pedro Rocha, Pejčinović (penalty + 1), Akbashev red car: Denisov